Are you in search of the best dust control approach for your facility? When dealing with silica dust, choosing a measure that fits your situation is essential, as there is no one size fit for all. There are different approaches and machines you can use, and in this post, we will look at dust collection and suppression and how each technique works to help you choose the right one.
Dust collection
Dust collection uses specialized equipment and machinery to capture dust and other harmful airborne particles. This approach is commonly used in industrial settings such as manufacturing plants with high levels of silica dust. The dust collection systems consist of filters, fans, and ducts that capture, filter and dispose of the dust particles. These dust control systems come in different forms, from simple to complex units, which can be stationary or portable. There are four primary types of dust collection systems: dust collectors, exhaust hoods, duct systems, and fan/motor systems.
Dust collectors are systems designed to capture, filter, and dispose of dust particles. The filtered air is then released back into the atmosphere. Exhaust hoods are systems that capture dust at the source. This prevents dust particles from spreading in the facility. They are connected to the machine to capture the dust effectively. Duct systems are designed to transport dust from the generation source to a central collection point. Since the transportation process can be rigorous, these systems are made of high-quality materials to make them durable. Motor systems work together with the duct system. They provide the needed airflow to move the dust to the connection point. They make duct systems effective in dust collection.
Dust suppression
Dust suppression uses wet methods and liquids such as water to control the spread of dust. Dust suppression systems can range from simple misting techniques to more complex spray systems. They are often used in outdoor settings such as construction sites with high dust emission levels. Water is sprayed in a specific area to suppress the dust before it can become airborne. Today, you can choose from four types of spray systems for your dust suppression needs.
Dust suppression systems
Dust suppression systems are among the most affordable options of all spray systems. They are also easy to maintain compared to dust collectors. However, they have their limitations. For instance, dust suppression systems may be less effective in areas where there is constant change in weather. There is also the fact that dust suppression requires regular reapplication for it to be effective. In addition, the chemical used for suppression may harm workers’ health and the surrounding environment.
Some of these suppression systems use petroleum-based dust control agents, which are chemicals mixed with water to make the suppression more effective. Even though petroleum-based agents work better than water-based ones, they are bad for the environment. Next are synthetic dust suppression agents, mainly chemical products designed to control dust. Water-only systems are cost-effective options for dust suppression. They use water to suppress the dust by wetting the surfaces, preventing the dust from becoming airborne. Some water-based agents are non-toxic chemicals mixed with water to make them work better. This is an environmentally friendly option for dust suppression.
Dust collection is ideal for large indoor spaces with high dust levels. Dust suppression is great for outdoor areas where it’s hard to get rid of dust at its source. Each approach has unique features, types, advantages, and disadvantages. To select, first understand each work and then consider your situation and current needs.